How to add discount codes or affiliate links

Learn about creating a tracking plan in your campaign

Updated over a week ago

In managing discount offers for influencers on Upfluence, you have two key methods: the Workflow approach and Influencer Relationship Management (IRM).

Our recommendation is to primarily utilize the Workflow method for its streamlined efficiency and versatile integration into your influencer marketing strategy.

Here's a helpful video on how to do this:

If you are creating a campaign:

You can add a tracking plan while you are creating your workflow campaign as shown in the video. Or, can always add the tracking plan later in your campaign settings after the campaign creation step.

If you already created a campaign:

You can create and assign a tracking plan to your campaign. This will automatically generate codes or affiliate links for each influencer added to the campaign. This way, you will be able to easily send codes to influencers.

- If a tracking plan is already assigned to the campaign, it can't be changed.

- If a discount code is already assigned to the mailings, it will be replaced by the new tracking plan selected.

Steps to create a new tracking plan for your campaign:

  1. Click on create a new tracking plan, and a new tab will open.

  2. Create your new tracking plan. The process is same as shown in the video above ⬆️.

  3. Click on "Update tracking plans list" to have the new discount offer appear in the drop-down menu.

4. A discount code and affiliate link will be automatically generated for all influencers added to your campaign.

You can track influencers' performance in you the Performance tab of your campaign under Conversions.

Learn more about the conversions table here: How to track sales generated within your campaign

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