Upfluence Merge Fields Definitions
Updated over a week ago

Using merge fields is a great way to personalize your emails to each influencer. Merge fields are information taken directly from influencers' profiles and added to your emails.

When you edit your email templates, you can use the different merge fields.

Influencer profile:

  • Influencer Name: The name of the influencer present in the database can be either a first name or an influencer name. ie: "John", "Super Blog 47'

  • First Name: Not all influencers have a First Name set up in their profile. Make sure to add the first name on influencers' profiles if you want to use this merge field.

  • Last Name: Not all influencers have a Last Name set up in their profile. Make sure to add the last name on influencers' profiles if you want to use this merge field.

  • Influencer Email: Email available in the database for the influencer, can be used as a unique Identifier in a UTM link. ex: "influencer@url.com"

  • Influencer Country: Country in which the influencer has been geolocated in (requires influencers' geolocation). ex: "France"

  • Influencer City: City in which the influencer has been geolocated (requires influencer geolocation). ex: "New York City"

Social media:

  • Story Invitation Link: This merge field is a link to the Upfluence creator space creation page. We collect stories only for influencers who created their space. Learn more about how to collect stories here.

  • Largest Social Media Community Size: Display the size of the community on the largest social media of the influencer. If the influencers own a Tiktok with 1000 followers and an Instagram account with 10000 followers, it will display the number of followers on Instagram. ex: "10,000"

  • Largest Social Media Name: Will give the name of the largest social media of the influencers. If the influencer owns a TikTok with 1000 followers and an Instagram account with 10000 followers, it will display the name of the Instagram account.

  • Largest Social Media type: Will give the type of the largest social media of the influencer. If the influencer owns a Tiktok with 1000 followers and an Instagram account with 10000 followers, it will display "Instagram".

  • Instagram: Number of followers currently following the Instagram account of the influencer (identical for Twitter and Pinterest). ex: "3514

  • Instagram Name: Name of the Instagram account (identical for Twitter and Pinterest). ex: "Influencer"

  • Blog visit: Estimated number of visits received by a blog every month. ex: "122,000"

  • Blog URL: URL of the influencer's blog. ex: "http://www.upfluence.com

  • Blog Name: Name of the blog. ex: "Upfluence"

Contextual Data

In this section, you can find all the merge fields you created as well as merge fields specific to the workflow.

◼︎ Workflow merge fields

  • Application link: link to the influencer’s personalized campaign invitation page. This page allows influencers to apply to your campaign.

  • Composition link: link to the influencer’s personal drafting page for them to easily submit their content to your review.

  • Publication link: link to the « Publication Instructions » page. This is the last link influencers receive before they publish their content.

  • Invoice link: link to the « Payment » page. On this page, influencers have to submit their invoice documents.

  • Price: It's the offer you set up in your workflow dashboard.

  • Influencer price: It's the price influencer offers you when they made a counteroffer.

NOTE: All the workflow merge fields work only if your mailing is linked to a workflow.

For further assistance, please feel free to contact us by clicking on the "Talk to a person" option within our chat feature. We're here to help!

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