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How to create an ambassador landing page

Set up Ambassador Landing Page, collect contact information from interested influencers and convert them into valuable assets for your brand

Updated over a month ago

The Live Capture Feature provides two types of matching methods:

1️⃣ Influencer Matching: Capture influencers from your pools of customers and site visitors. You can also match emails from any database.

2️⃣ Landing Page: Collect contact information from interested influencers and convert them into valuable assets for your brand.

Check this helpful video to know more details:

For this article, we’ll focus on Landing Page

💡 Pro Tip: We highly recommend utilizing this powerful Influencer Matching tool. It enables you to passively discover influencers who are already familiar with your brand and potentially love your products.

These "organic influencers" are often more cost-effective to engage, typically requiring just product giveaways or minimal compensation compared to influencers who are new to your brand.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1. Live Capture Creation

1️⃣ Open the Live Capture App and click on "Create a new Live Capture".

2️⃣ Pick "Landing Page" as the capture type, then click on Next step.

⚠️ This name will be added to your landing page URL directly under the format{your Live Capture name}

This is the ONLY setting that cannot be modified after the landing page is created. Choose your name carefully to ensure it aligns with your campaign goals.

Step 2. Landing page builder

Therefore, you can set-up:

1️⃣ Brand Logo: Add your brand's logo or a visual element that represents your campaign.

2️⃣ Landing page title: Give a title to your landing page.

ex. Join {Your_Brand's_Name}'s Influencer community

3️⃣ Landing page subtitle: Give your visitor more context and the purpose of this page, attract interested influencer to leave you their contact.

4️⃣ Action button: Add a label to your action CTA. Your visitors will click here to apply to your program.

5️⃣ Main colour: We will use this colour for image background and for the action button.

6. Landing Page images: Add 1 to 3 custom images to display on your landing page.

7. (Optional) Additional Details: Add extra information about your campaign or brand using text or custom code (HTML & CSS). You can include more images or links to create a more personalized experience for influencers.

Best Practice

🌟 Generate Your Custom Landing Page with Chat GPT 🌟

Use ChatGPT to generate custom landing page code by copying and pasting the provided code on this page into the ChatGPT interface. Personalize it with your campaign details, then insert it back into the Custom code (HTML & CSS) section.

8️⃣ Preview Your Landing Page: Click the preview button at the bottom left corner to review your landing page before finalizing it.

9️⃣ Link to an Upfluence List: Connect the landing page to an Upfluence list. This way, captured influencers are added directly to your community dashboard and the selected list for easy review and engagement.

When satisfied with your setup, click "Next Step."

Step 3. Metadata settings

Optimize your landing page for search engines and ensure it looks good in search results.

1️⃣ Meta Title: Edit the pre-filled meta title to reflect your landing page’s purpose. Aim for 50 to 60 characters.

2️⃣ Meta Description: Customize the meta description for SEO purposes. The ideal length is between 150 and 160 characters.

3️⃣ Favicon: Optionally, upload a favicon by dragging and dropping the file into the designated area. This small icon will appear next to your page's title in the browser tab.

4️⃣ Preview Search Engine Display: On the right side of the page, you can preview how your landing page will appear in search engine results.

Step 4. Build your influencer apply form

Customize the form influencers will use to apply to work with your brand.

1️⃣ Manage Fields:

On the left side, under "Manage Fields," start with default fields and add additional fields as needed. You can select from existing fields or create new ones.

  1. To add a new field, click "+ Add Field," then select or create a field.

  2. You can rearrange fields using the arrow buttons, except for default fields like "First Name" and "Last Name," which stay at the top.

  3. Make fields mandatory or optional using the toggle switch. We recommend making the "Social Media Account" field mandatory to review the influencer's presence before deciding to work with them.

  4. To remove a field, click the "Rubbish bin" icon (except for default fields).

2️⃣ Preview Form:

On the right side, the "Preview" section shows a real-time view of your form as you customize it. All changes made in "Manage Fields" are instantly reflected here.

Note : Information provided by the creator will enrich the influencer profile. Merge fields created through the Landing Page will be visible in the influencer profile tab (Side-panel), but only if influencers have provided information for those fields. We cannot display those fields on the side panel if we don’t have any informations related.

Step 5: Save the landing page once you've filled these fields

Once satisfied, save your landing page. You’ll receive a confirmation alert with the landing page link, which you can share with customers and creators.

Click here to check the Best practices of using the Landing Page

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the difference between Live Capture - Matching and the Live Capture - Influencer Landing Page?

✔️ Live Capture Matching targets individuals who have purchased your products (on Shopify) or subscribed to your newsletter (via Klaviyo), identifying potential influencers from these interactions.

✔️ Live Capture Ambassador Landing Page is designed for visitors to your website or social media who proactively leave their contact information, expressing a desire to collaborate with you.

2. What is the difference between the Campaign Application form and Ambassador Landing Page?

✔️ Campaign Application Form is used to proactively reach out to influencers, inviting them to collaborate with you on specific campaigns.

✔️ Ambassador Landing Page caters to influencers who have already shown interest by visiting your website or social media and leaving their information, indicating their willingness to work with you.

3. Can I change the selected Upfluence list from my landing page campaign to another one?

Yes, you can do it by clicking on your campaign from the landing page table, and then going through step 2 of campaign creation and just select another list.

Note :
It is not retroactive :

  • Influencers captured in the previous list stay in the previous list.

  • New captures will be on the new list selected.

4. Can I customize the landing page URL?

The landing page URL will always be under the format{Landing Page_name}. You can customize it through the name you give to your campaign.

5. When I do Live Capture matching, is selecting a Klaviyo list at the last step optional?

Yes, selecting a Klaviyo list at the final step is optional during Live Capture matching. By choosing a Klaviyo list, we help you to enrich your influencer list’s data.

Your identified influencers will be added to your selected Klaviyo list with additional information such as their Instagram handle, engagement rate, number of followers, and a link to their Upfluence profile.

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