1. Overview of Klaviyo and Upfluence integration
The Upfluence-Klaviyo integration allows you to:
Identify influencers within your Klaviyo subscriber lists using Influencer Matching
Add matched influencers to a selected Klaviyo list.
Enrich existing Klaviyo profiles with new influencer data from Upfluence
Before proceeding: Ensure that your Klaviyo account is already connected to Upfluence. If you need guidance, check how to connect your Klaviyo account.
2. How Upfluence and Klaviyo work together
Direction | Feature | Description |
From Klaviyo to Upfluence | Influencer Matching | Capture influencers from Klaviyo subscriber lists and convert them into valuable brand assets. |
From Upfluence to Klaviyo | Create new users | When a new influencer is matched, they are automatically added to a selected Klaviyo list. |
| Enrich user profiles | If a matched user already exists in a Klaviyo list, their profile is updated with new social media data collected by Upfluence. |
What data is sent from Upfluence to Klaviyo?
Once an influencer is matched, the following details are pushed to Klaviyo:
Email (if the user does not already exist in Klaviyo)
Instagram followers (e.g., 2,829 followers)
Instagram engagement rate (e.g., 2.5%)
Instagram handle (e.g., @johndoe)
Upfluence influencer link (e.g.,
3. How to send Upfluence-matched influencers back to Klaviyo
Set up a Live Capture campaign and choose either:
During Step 2: Source Selection in your Live Capture setup, locate the "List Selection" section.
Choose the Klaviyo list where you want matched influencers to be added.
Click "Save" to confirm your selection.
π As your Live Capture campaign runs, any new updates will automatically sync to your selected Klaviyo list.