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Set your Social Listening Stream
Common mistakes while setting up social listening streams
Common mistakes while setting up social listening streams
Updated over a week ago

Here are some common mistakes that can prevent your stream from working properly.

Note: Not all are applicable, depending on your goals and needs. Allow one or two hours for the software to collect posts after you made any changes in your settings.

1. If you set up a stream to track a specific list of influencers, avoid using the location filter unless necessary. This is because if an influencer doesn't tag the location (or if the software can't immediately detect the location), their post won't show up.

2. Influencers' profiles are not in our database. We can only collect posts from influencers within our database. To check if the influencer is in our database, you can use our chrome plugin. If the influencer profile is not in our database, click on "add influencer " to add the influencer.

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3. Start and End date not set up properly. If there is no value in both the Start and End date fields, the stream will automatically collect posts within the past 6 months. As the stream keeps collecting posts through time, the end date will automatically move to today's date, and the start date will be 6 months prior to today's date. If you set up start and end date values, this timeline will remain unchanged.

4. Influencer did not connect their Instagram account to Upfluence. Stories are private data, we can only collect their stories if they shared them with Upfluence.

5. Missing filters. When you set up a stream to collect posts on multiple platforms make sure to select "any" in the social media social section.

NOTE: Instagram posts and Instagram stories are two different post types. You need to select Instagram and Story if you want to collect Instagram posts, reels, and Stories.

6. Influencers are not in your selection. When you select a list while you are setting up your stream, only the influencers in the list at the moment are added to the selection. If you add influencers later to this list, they will not be automatically added to your selection. You just need to select your list again to add the new influencer to your selection.

7. Old streams are not updated automatically. At the beginning of 2020, Upfluence updated our stream Settings with more filter options. If your stream was created prior to this time, nothing was changed to the results and posts being collected. However, in the Settings section, "Field type" will be assigned with "Legacy". In order to be more precise with your social listening stream, you can change Field types to appropriate values, such as "Content", "Mention", etc.

For further assistance, please feel free to contact us by clicking on the "Talk to a person" option within our chat feature. We're here to help!

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