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How to Set Up Your Application Form?

A step-by-step guide to creating and managing your influencer application form

Updated over a week ago

The application form is the core element of your campaign. This form, sent with your invitation email, allows creators to:

  • Choose their products (if applicable)

  • Accept the financial offer (if applicable)

  • Sign a contract (if applicable)

  • Get to know the campaign brief

This article explains how to set up your application form.

Step-by-Step Guide

You can set up your application form at two points:

✅ While Creating Your Campaign:

At Step 4 - Application form

✅ Editing It After the Campaign is Created:

Go to Campaign Settings - Application form

The application is composed of three dedicated sections: Compensation, Contract (optional), and Brief.

I. Compensation Type Check Box

This section lists the compensation types you offer to your influencers. It shows a reminder of what you selected in the earlier step and provides an overview of what your creators will need to accept/review in their application form:

✅ Flat Payment Campaign: A flat payment banner will be displayed in the creator's form along with the flat payment offer. Check more here: How to Set Up Payment Compensation on the Application Form?

✅ Product Campaign: A product selection banner will be displayed. Check more here: How to Set Up Product Compensation on the Application Form?

✅ Hybrid Campaign: Both the flat payment and product selection banners will be displayed.

II. Contract

You can assign a contract template to your campaign. By enabling this section, a contract section will be added to the creator's application form. Creators MUST sign and send back the contract through the application form to apply for the campaign.

Please check the dedicated article here about campaign contracts: Campaign Contracts

III. Brief

To finalize your application form, you can create your brief. You can either:

✅ Create your brief using our text editor.

✅ Import your brief using the PDF uploader.

If you are offering products as compensation, we recommend adding detailed information about them (photos, colors, descriptions, etc.) in your briefing to help influencers choose the products that fit them best.

TIPS: You can use the brief templates available to help you create your brief. You can update your influencer brief at any time in your campaign settings.

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