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Understanding each preset steps in a Campaign
Updated over a week ago

A campaign on Upfluence may have up to 5 default emails based on the compensation type, here is what they're for:

The "Inviting" Email: A First Impression

The "inviting" email is the campaign's opening act. It's the first automated email generated by Workflow, designed to invite influencers to participate in your campaign. This email includes a crucial link, denoted as {{application_link}}, directing influencers to their personalized campaign invitation page. This invitation page serves as the gateway for influencers to make critical decisions:

  • Acceptance: Influencers can accept your offered price.

  • Negotiation: They can offer a counterproposal.

  • Product Selection: They can choose products for compensation.

  • Declination: The option to decline the campaign is also available.

Furthermore, the email links influencers to the Campaign Brief, providing them with essential campaign information.

Edit Your Templates:

Workflow allows you to customize email templates to align with your brand's tone and style. You can also personalize emails using merge fields, such as {{influencer_name}}, to provide a more tailored experience.

NOTE: Please be cautious not to remove the merge field {{application_link}} as it serves as the gateway to the influencer's personalized campaign invitation page.

Influencer's Personalized Campaign Invitation Page:

On this page, influencers have a clear view of campaign details and the flexibility to make decisions, ensuring a more collaborative and effective partnership.

The "Drafting" Email: An Overview

The "drafting" email is dispatched when it's time for influencers to submit their content drafts for your review. This email contains a link known as {{composition_link}}, which guides influencers to their personal drafting page, making the submission process seamless.

Influencers' Drafting Page:

Here, influencers have the tools they need to craft and submit their content. They can upload images, YouTube videos, and access the campaign brief for reference. It's a centralized hub for content creation and review.

Once the influencer submits their draft, the action button undergoes a color change. By clicking on this button, you can access and review their drafts. This action will reopen the influencer's side panel, where you can find their draft positioned at the bottom of the panel.

Understanding the "Publication" Email

The "publication" email is sent to authorize influencers to publish approved campaign content. This email contains a link to the "Publication Instructions" page, identified as {{publication_link}}. The flexibility of Workflow allows you to adapt the email template to meet your specific requirements.

Story Invitation Links:

If you're interested in collecting Instagram stories data from influencers, you can include story Invitation Links using the merge field {{Story Invitation Link}}. This feature enhances your campaign's reach and effectiveness.

Influencers' Personalized Publication Instruction Page:

This page serves as a comprehensive guide for influencers, providing essential information for a successful publication. It includes hashtags, mentions, keywords, tracking links, and any discount codes or affiliate links you've added to your campaign. Additionally, influencers can access the approved version of their draft, ensuring alignment with campaign objectives.

Understanding the "Shipping" Email

The "Shipping" email is a notification to influencers that the products they selected as compensation for the campaign have been shipped. For e-commerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce, you can create product orders directly from Workflow, enhancing the efficiency of product fulfillment.

TIPS: In the "Shipping" email, you have the flexibility to add product names using the merge field "Product Offer," incorporate shipping tracking numbers, or personalize the message as needed.

Understanding the "Payment" Email

The "Payment" email is typically the final email in a Paid Promotion or Paid Promotion with Gifting campaign. This email includes the vital {{fixed_payment_link}} merge field. The invoice link is essential for influencers to upload their invoices, payment information, and tax documents.

Influencer Payment Process:

To initiate the payment process, influencers must confirm their content publication and click "Send payment request" in the action column. The payment email serves as a gateway to a secure and streamlined payment process for influencers.

Influencers will be prompted to either log in to their existing accounts or sign up for the Upfluence Creator Space platform. Here, they will be required to fill out a form and submit specific documents.

Influencers will need to supply the following details:

  • Billing information, which includes their name, address, phone number, and more.

  • An invoice for their services.

  • A W-8 or W-9 form, but only if their billing country is the United States.

  • Payment method information. Please refer to the provided screenshots for specific banking details required for both U.S. and non-U.S. accounts.

Once influencers log in or sign up through the invoice link you provided, they will be directed to these respective pages.

On the payment method page, influencers will be prompted to furnish their payment information. Should they choose the wire transfer option, they will be required to input their account number, bank routing number, and BIC code.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 - What should my influencers or agencies do if they prefer not to link their social media accounts?

A1 - If influencers wish to forgo connecting their social media accounts, they can simply click on "Skip" for now."

Q2 - My influencer created an account, but they don't see the payment request page upon logging in. What should they do?

A2 - If influencers log into their accounts and don't find the payment request page, it likely means they didn't use the payment link you provided to access their account. We recommend trying again using the provided payment link. If the issue persists, please don't hesitate to contact our support team via email at or through the chat option "Talk to a person".

Q3 - Can agencies create accounts instead of individual influencers?

A3 - Yes, agencies have the option to create accounts using their preferred email addresses and passwords. They can then click on "Skip for now" to initiate the payment request process.

Q4 - How can I track if an influencer has submitted their invoices and tax documents?

A4 - You can monitor whether an influencer has submitted their payment information and invoices through various methods:

On the payment dashboard: Simply select the specific influencer you wish to track.

NOTE: To claim a payment request, influencers or agencies must log into their accounts using the link you sent them.

For further assistance, please feel free to contact us by clicking on the "Talk to a person" option within our chat feature. We're here to help!

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