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How to check your influencers' sales result

Learn the way to track sales in your campaign

Updated over a week ago

You can associate a tracking plan with your campaigns so you can track the sales generated by creators and calculate their commission fees.

Where can I see the sales generated by creators?

You can view the details of each sale generated by creators in different ways: In the Performance tab where you have all the sales of a specific campaign or you can Download all sales generated across your different campaigns.

  • Performance tab

In your campaign Performance tab, all the sales generated by creators for the campaign selected are gathered in the "Conversions table". The "conversions table" gives you an overview of all the sales associated with your campaign in one place.

For each sale made, a status is displayed. This way you know which sales have been paid, canceled or refunded. These statuses are updated live and allow you to follow the status of an order.

You can download the details of the sales by selecting the sales you want and clicking on "export"

At the bottom of the page, you can see the sales performance per campaign and per influencer. You also have the return on investment to allow you to determine your ROI and compare it to the resources spent on the campaign (payments issued + sampling product values).

ROI formula: Total gross merchandise value (GMV) divided by the total campaign cost (product values + influencer payments)

  • Download all sales generated across campaigns

From the workflow dashboard, you have a download button next to the Total sales generated that allow you to download a file with all the sales generated across your campaigns. This file is similar to the one that you can download from the performance tab in a single campaign, but you have a column "Campaign name" to view the campaign source.

Frequently asked questions

1. Can I see the sales generated by those influencers who's deleted from my campaign in the performance tab?

No, in the campaign performance tab, you can only see the sales generated by influencers who are currently in your campaign. Sales data from influencers who have been deleted from your campaign will not be visible in the performance tab.

2. Why don't the sales visible in the Community App match the total sales on the workflow home dashboard?

The total sales generated displayed on the main dashboard include sales made by all influencers, encompassing those who have been deleted from your Community.

This is why the sales figures in the Community App and the workflow home dashboard may not match.

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