How to set the price offer for a campaign on Workflow

Learn how to set the price for an offer in your campaigns

Updated over a week ago

When you select Paid promotion or Paid promotion with gifting, it is best to set a price before sending out the invite. Setting an offer will give influencers the option to accept your offer, deny it, or give a counteroffer. If you don't set up an offer influencers will be asked to give their price.

  • Set an offer for each influencer:

  1. Click on the "Your offer" box for that influencer.

  2. It opens the side panel where you can put your flat payment offer and/or your commission offer.

  3. Do not forget to save your offer.

  4. Refresh your page to see your offer.

Add the same offer to several influencers.

  1. Select some influencers or all of them

  2. Click on the "Set offer" dropdown button

  3. Select either Flat payment or Affiliate commission

  4. Fill in your offer

  5. Click on "Set your offer"

Your offer will be displayed on the influencer's application page.

Influencer's personalized campaign application page

On this page are display your campaign details. Influencers can accept your offer, give a counteroffer, or decline.

For further assistance, please feel free to contact us by clicking on the "Talk to a person" option within our chat feature. We're here to help!

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