You can easily remove influencers from your Community (IRM) app in just a few steps.
⚠️ This action is not reversible!
Deleted influencers will no longer be accessible from your Community.
Any future interaction with their profile (e.g., mailing, adding to a list) will automatically add them back.
How to delete influencers
Option 1: Bulk delete from the Community app
You can delete multiple influencers at once by using filters:
Open the Community (IRM) app.
Apply filters (e.g., list, tag, campaign) to find the influencers you want to delete.
Select all filtered influencers.
Click the Trashcan icon to delete them.
📌 Bulk deletion is limited to 1,000 influencers at a time, but you can repeat the process as needed.
Note: If you reject an influencer from a list, they are not deleted—their profile remains in your Community. To fully remove them, filter by influencers without a list and delete them manually.
Option 2: Delete individually using the Community member indicator
You can also remove an influencer directly from any influencer profile page using the community member indicator — a small button that shows whether an influencer is part of your Community.
Locate the community member indicator on an influencer’s profile.
Click the button to remove the influencer from your Community.
Indicator status:
🔵 Blue button – The influencer is in your Community.
⚪ White button – The influencer is not in your Community.