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How to refresh influencers' payment link

What to do if my creator come saying their payment link is not working

Updated over a month ago

When a payment is linked to a creator account, you have a "Secured" label displayed under the Payment History. This label means that the payment has been linked to one creator account and the payment requests for the campaign are only accessible by this same account.

The influencer can't access the payment requests?

Sometimes creators can't access their payment requests because they are already claimed by a different creator account. It's usually the case when an influencer is represented by multiple agencies or changed his agency. In this case, you have the option to remove the link between the creator account and the payment request. This way, the payment link can be assigned again to a new creator account.

The new creator account that accesses the payment link will be assigned to all payment requests created for that campaign. So use this feature with care.

How to "re-link" a payment request

In order to re-link a payment request you can right click the payment request link to copy it, then you can forward the link to the influencer.

NOTE: Make sure NOT to click the link as this will change the payment stage to "claimed" preventing the influencer from claiming it.

For further assistance, please feel free to contact us by clicking on the "Talk to a person" option within our chat feature. We're here to help!

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