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How to manage influencer payments with the Payment app
How to manage influencer payments with the Payment app

Collect, pay, and track payments seamlessly in one place

Updated over 2 months ago

The Payment app simplifies the entire payment process for your influencer collaborations. With it, you can:

  • Collect, review, and export creators' invoices and tax documents.

  • Pay influencers through three methods:

    • Upfluence Pay (via Stripe)

      • Option to mass pay creators

    • PayPal Payout

    • Offline wire transfer (Out of Upfluence)

  • Keep track of payment details and statuses.

  • Monitor your payment account balances in real-time.

This article provides an overview of the key features and tools available to manage your influencer payments efficiently.

1. At the top of the page: Amounts committed summary

At the top of your payment page, you’ll see a summary of your payment details, including:

  • Upfluence Pay balance (real-time, if applicable)

  • PayPal account balance (real-time, if applicable)

  • Total amount awaiting payment

  • Total amount of unpaid payments

2. Payment table

The Payment table provides a detailed breakdown of all payment requests created on your account. You can customize the table view using the “Manage Fields” menu to display the columns that matter most.

Suggested table columns:

  • Profile name: The influencer receiving the payment.

  • Amount: The payment amount you set up.

  • Authorised at: The date you created the payment request (email sent to creator).

  • Submitted at: The date the influencer uploaded the required documents (invoice/tax form).

  • Email: The influencer’s email address.

  • Campaign: The related Upfluence campaign.

  • Status: The current payment status (explained below).

  • Action: Quick action buttons to process payments.

Tip: Use column filters to quickly sort and find specific payment requests for greater efficiency.

Payment status

Each payment request in the Payment table will display one of these 4 statuses:

  1. Unclaimed: The influencer has not uploaded their billing information.

  2. Ready to pay: The influencer uploaded their billing information and is waiting for payment.

  3. Paid: The payment has been completed or manually marked as paid.

  4. Canceled: The payment request has been canceled before payment.

⚠️ "Paid" status details:

  • Manually marked as paid: Payments completed outside of Upfluence (e.g., offline wire transfer or PayPal without Upfluence integration). Click “$ Pay” > “Mark as Paid” to update the status.

  • Automatic update: Payments made via Upfluence Pay or integrated PayPal payouts (from Upfluence) will automatically update to "Paid" when the payment is successful.

Paying actions

  • Option 1: Mass pay creators with Upfluence pay

Click here to check how to mass pay creators with Upfluence Pay.

  • Option 2: Pay individually

Clicking on an influencer’s line or selecting “View/Pay” will open a detailed side panel with payment-specific information, including:

  1. Influencer’s billing details.

  2. Uploaded invoices and tax documents (downloadable).

  3. Payment method details.

  4. Payment amount.

In this side panel, you can:

  1. Cancel a payment (e.g., if incorrect documents were uploaded, allowing you to create a new request).

  2. Manually mark payments as completed (for payments processed outside of Upfluence).

    • You can click “Mark as ready to pay” if a payment was manually marked as completed by mistake.

  3. Pay influencers with just 1 click using:

Export payments

You can easily export selected payment requests into a .CSV file for record-keeping or reporting purposes.

  1. Select the influencers whose payment requests you want to export from the Payment table.

  2. Click the “Export payment request” button.

3. At the bottom of the page: Summary bar

The summary bar at the bottom of the page gives you an overview of your payments. It updates based on any filters applied to the Payment table.

You can:

  1. Filter payments by date range, campaign, or other criteria.

  2. Get a quick view of key figures, such as the total amount of payments for a specific period or campaign.

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