The Upfluence Chrome Plugin provides instant access to influencer data directly from their social media profiles and allows you to efficiently manage influencer lists and collect valuable insights for your campaigns.
💡 Start today by installing the Upfluence Chrome Plugin from the Chrome Store!
How does it work?
Disable your AdBlocker (if you have one).
Open an influencer’s social media profile in Google Chrome.
Click on the Upfluence Chrome extension to view performance metrics in one dashboard.
Add influencers to your Upfluence list/campaign
You can save influencers directly from their social media profiles.
Open the Upfluence plugin in the top-right corner of your browser.
Click "+ Add to" to save the influencer to a new or existing list.
If the influencer is not in the Upfluence database, click "Add Influencer" to start analyzing the profile.
💡 Note: Full data processing may take about 7 days depending on the activity of the influencer.
Frequently asked questions
1. Why does the plugin keep asking me to log in?
Your Chrome cookie settings might be blocking the plugin.
Set cookies to "Allow all cookies" or "Block third-party cookies in Incognito."
🔗 Check your settings here: chrome://settings/cookies
2. Why does the plugin keep showing me the installation page?
You may still have the old plugin installed.
Remove the old plugin from Chrome.
Refresh your page — you’re all set!
3. Why does the plugin require permission to "change all your data on all websites"?
This permission is a standard requirement for many browser extensions, including Upfluence, to function properly across various websites.
Rest assured:
Upfluence only uses this permission to analyze influencer profiles.
Your data is not accessed, modified, or stored beyond its intended use.
For more details on permissions and data handling, refer to Upfluence's security policies or contact support.
4. Will the plugin associate an influencer’s multiple profiles?
Yes! When an influencer is added via the Chrome Plugin, our system:
Analyzes their profile
Identifies linked social media accounts
Automatically binds them under one influencer profile
💡 This process takes about 20 minutes but can take up to 48 hours.
If the profiles remain unlinked after 48 hours, contact our support team for a manual merge!
5. What if an influencer’s social media is incorrect?
If a profile is mismatched:
Contact our support team for assistance.
Manually update the profile using a .csv import to replace the incorrect social media.
6. Does adding an influencer via the plugin make their profile visible to all users?
Yes, when you add an influencer via the Chrome Plugin, their profile becomes visible to all Upfluence users.
However, certain details remain private:
Email addresses
Custom fields
These details are only visible within your team to ensure data security.
7. Why I can’t see influencer’s latest posts while using upfluence chrome plugin?
The influencer's latest posts are only available within the Upfluence platform and are not visible through the Chrome plugin.
8. Why can't I add an influencer’s profile to Upfluence?
For Instagram profiles, certain content violations may prevent access.
Restricted accounts include influencers who post content related to:
Any content violating Meta's Terms & Conditions
This restriction is imposed by Meta, not Upfluence.
9. How does Upfluence obtain influencer email addresses?
Upfluence adheres to legal standards and platform regulations, avoiding methods that do not respect the rules of platforms like YouTube and Instagram. Therefore, it does not engage in practices that could be considered illegal for collecting email addresses.
Primary method:
Manual email addition:
You can manually add an influencer's email if obtained separately.
Manually added emails remain private to your team.
Email collection limitations:
YouTube: Emails behind CAPTCHAs cannot be collected.
Instagram: Some emails are only visible via mobile, and Upfluence does not extract emails from the Instagram App.
If an influencer’s email is missing, you can manually update their profile with a valid email address.
10. How often are influencer emails updated?
Upfluence automatically removes invalid emails when bounces are detected. Otherwise, email addresses remain unchanged unless manually updated.
11. Does adding a new influencer via the Chrome Plugin automatically add them to my Community?
Yes, when you add an influencer via the Chrome Plugin, they are automatically added to your Community in Upfluence.
12. Does the Upfluence Chrome Plugin work on mobile?
No, the Upfluence Chrome Plugin is only available on desktop/laptop.
13. Why is there an Engagement Rate (ER%) discrepancy between Upfluence and other platforms?
ER% differences occur because Upfluence calculates engagement over the last 90 days, whereas other platforms may use different timeframes.
This ensures a consistent and accurate engagement rate calculation across campaigns.
14. Why is Upfluence’s engaged audience data different from Instagram’s?
Upfluence focuses on showing real engagement:
Users who actively like and comment on posts.
A true representation of active followers, rather than total followers.
Instagram’s insights include all followers, even those who don’t engage.
15. How does Upfluence calculate Engaged Audience Real %?
Upfluence uses strict filtering methods to detect fake followers:
Fake accounts follow many but have few followers themselves.
If a profile follows 10 times more accounts than follow them back, it may be flagged.
Someone follows 1,000 influencers but only 100 follow back. This could indicate a fake account.
16. How often does Upfluence update influencer metrics (followers, engagement, etc.)?
Upfluence updates influencer data every 1 to 10 days, depending on:
Social media platform dynamics
Influencer activity (frequent posters get updated more often)
User engagement (influencers in active campaigns are updated more often)
Content re-imports (if content is refreshed, data updates faster)