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How to use the Suggested tab to find similar influencers

Discover influencers based on content analysis

Updated today

The Suggested tab in Upfluence automatically recommends influencers who create content similar to the ones already in your list. This feature analyzes the text content from your selected influencers and identifies common keywords to find others with similar topics and interests.

1. How to use the Suggested tab

Before you can receive recommendations, you need to create a list of influencers. You can add influencers by:

Note: You must have at least five influencers in your list for the Suggested tab to work.

Once your list contains at least five influencers, Upfluence’s system begins searching for similar influencers. This process can take up to an hour, so check back later to see the results.

  1. Open your influencer List in Upfluence.

  2. Click on the Suggested tab at the top of your screen.

  3. A list of recommended influencers will appear. The Suggested tab functions like a search tool. From here, you can:

    • Click the checkmark (✔️) to add an influencer to your list.

    • Click the cross (❌) to remove an influencer from the recommendations.

2. Getting ongoing influencer recommendations

Upfluence continuously updates the Suggested tab with new recommendations based on the influencers in your list.

Note: You'll receive a notification whenever new influencer suggestions are available.

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