How to connect your Amazon Ads account to Upfluence
Updated over a week ago

The Amazon Attribution integration allows you to create (mass) affiliate links that direct customers to your Amazon store or product. Combined with Upfluence, Amazon Attribution empowers you to create powerful creator campaigns, including your affiliate links. Our ability to utilize our Affiliate system to define payout values ($ or %) and compensate creators based on their links further enhances the strength of this integration.

πŸͺ„ Connect your Amazon Advertising account

To add a new Amazon Advertising payment account via Upfluence, simply navigate to the integration page, locate the Affiliation section, and follow these 3 steps to set up a new account:

  1. You will find an Amazon Advertising option. Just click on the Connect button to be redirected to the Amazon authentication page.

  2. Enter your Amazon Advertising credentials and validate them.

  3. Authorize that Upfluence will have access to your Amazon account.

Once done, you will be redirected to Upfluence with your account created, and you will see all sponsored ads accounts added with the name, the ID, and the country.

Share your integration

You can share your account with another team member to allow them to use it for creating campaigns

Simply click on the "...” button, then on the Share button, and select the team or member with whom you want to share it.

Manage multiple accounts

If necessary, you have the flexibility to manage multiple Amazon Advertising accounts effortlessly.
Simply click on the + Add Account button, select the Amazon Advertising option, and follow the same process: authenticate and proceed.


How many Amazon Ads account can I connect?

You can connect as many account as you want!

Why my Amazon Ads account can't be connected?

Your Amazon Ads account must contain Amazon Attribution eligible Sponsored Ads profile. To know more, please read the Amazon Attribution documentation: πŸ”— Link

Amazon Attribution is an advertising measurement product that enables advertisers to understand the impact that their non-Amazon ads (i.e., Google Ads, Facebook, Microsoft Ads) have in driving shopping activity on Amazon.
Amazon Attribution is currently available in beta to professional seller brand owners enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry and vendors that sell products on Amazon in the following markets: US, Canada, Mexico, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Netherlands.

For more information, see Amazon Attribution overview and Getting started guide.

Is my Amazon Ads account eligible for Amazon Attribution?

We use Amazon Attribution to generate affiliate links and track the sales linked to these links. However, in order to use this system, your Amazon Ads account must be eligible for Amazon Attribution. To find out more about whether your account is eligible, please read this article:

I don't see all of my Amazon Ads profiles, why?

If an Amazon Ads profile is not visible on Upfluence, it means this specific Sponsored Ads profile is not eligible for Amazon Attribution. Please, refer to the question above to know more.

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