Shipping addresses on Upfluence

Re use upload and update shipping addresses

Updated this week

An important part of your campaign is being able to send product gifting and of course you need an address for that, on Upfluence you are able to upload address information or gather it from influencers and use it on multiple campaigns.

Import existing shipping addresses

In order to populate the shipping address information, you just need to upload your influencers, (see this article for more details) and use this .csv template that contain the shipping address related fields.

IMPORTANT: In order for the import to be successful, all fields except "Adress line 2" must be filled in.

Potential use-cases:

  • You already have a database of creators that you'd like to reuse

  • You've collected shipping addresses using an Upfluence landing page and would like to import them directly into influencer profiles

Reusing addresses

Once addresses have been added to the profiles, adding these influencers to a new campaign will automatically populate this as the shipping address, allowing you to create orders without needing to re add the address.

Make sure this address is still correct before creating any orders to avoid sending them to the wrong address


  • Addresses must be present on influencer profiles before they can be imported into campaigns. You can add it manually or do a .CSV import as mentioned above.

  • If you invite a creator, and they provide a new address, it will overwrite the existing address in your campaign and on their profile.

  • You can change your campaign address at any time by clicking on the edit button.

For further assistance, please feel free to contact us by clicking on the "Talk to a person" option within our chat feature. We're here to help!

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