Why are my emails not being sent?
Updated over a week ago

If your email campaign stopped, it can be related to one of the three following points.

  • Your campaign is on pause

You need to click on "Start Sending", your emails will be first scheduled 1 minute up to 4 minutes apart from each other and then send out.

  • Some of the influencers in your mailing have missing merge fields

To solve this problem, simply add the missing merge fields to the influencer profiles. Learn more on How to edit merge fields.

When you edited the missing value, you can click on "retry" to send your email.

In this example we have an influencer missing their twitter name.

NOTE: If you have multiple influencers with missing value, it is best to pause your mailing and run it again once you added all the missing values.

  • You reached your limit of monthly emails (your emails are scheduled for the 1st of next month)

You can either wait until next month so your limits are reset or you can contact the Customer Success team to see how you can increase your monthly limit.

For further assistance, please feel free to contact us by clicking on the "Talk to a person" option within our chat feature. We're here to help!

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