BigCommerce has introduced a change that requires you to update your Upfluence integration. To continue importing products and creating orders seamlessly, you need to add the following scopes to your BigCommerce integration:
Store Locations: Read-only
Store Inventory: Read-only
Here’s how to update your integration step by step:
Step 1: Go to your Upfluence integration page
Head to your Upfluence integration page.
Find your BigCommerce store integration.
Click on the “...” next to your integration and select “Edit Credentials.”
Step 2: Create a new API account in BigCommerce
Since BigCommerce doesn’t allow editing an existing API account, you need to create a new one:
Log in to your BigCommerce store.
From the BigCommerce menu, go to Settings.
Scroll down to the API menu and click on Store-level API Accounts.
On the top right corner, click on “+ Create API Account.”
Step 3: Configure your new API account
When creating the API account, use the following settings:
Token type: V2/V3 API Token
API Account Name: Upfluence Update (recommended)
oAuth Scopes:
Customers: Modify
Information & settings: Read-only
Marketing: Modify
Orders: Modify
Products: Read-only
Store Locations: Read-only
Store Inventory: Read-only
Step 4: Save and copy the access token
Click Save.
Copy the newly generated Access Token.
Step 5: Update your credentials in Upfluence
Return to your Upfluence integration page.
Paste the new Access Token to the pop-up
Save your changes.
Note: If the problem still persist, feel free to contact our support team via the chat!