Integration Quick FAQ
Updated over a week ago

How many emails/e-commerce stores can I add to my Upfluence account?

You can connect to an unlimited number of emails/e-commerce stores with your Upfluence account.

What should I do if I receive the message "the shop is already connected to an account" when trying to connect my shop?

This message means the shop has already been connected to an account within your team. You should:

1. Check with your team members to identify who has already set up this integration.

2. Ask the team member who set it up to share the integration with you by following the guide on how to share integrations with your team, available at: How to share my integrations with my team


Can I integrate my Shopify store with Upfluence even if my store is not "live" yet?

Yes, you can integrate your Shopify store with Upfluence even if it is not live yet.

Why do I have to give the "write" permission when connecting my shop to Upfluence?

Upfluence requires the "write" permission for three main features:

  1. Creating discount codes.

  2. Creating orders (1 click shipping).

  3. Automating Live Capture installation on your store.

This level of access is needed to ensure these features work seamlessly. Upfluence creates items in Shopify based on manual requests from your accounts and your explicit requests. You have the option to retain integration ownership, meaning you can choose not to share a specific integration with team members, allowing you to manage everything exclusively.

If granting "write" access is a concern, having "Read" access is sufficient for product import and influencer matching. However, this will mean you won't be able to create orders or discount codes through Upfluence.

Can I edit the affiliate link’s landing page?

Yes, you can define click-through URLs when creating tracking plans, allowing you to edit the affiliate link’s landing page.

What is the difference between a Discount code and an Affiliate link?

  • Discount code: Your customers need to manually type the discount code when checking out.

  • Affiliate link: The discount offer applies automatically to the your customer's cart when checking out.

When I connect Shopify to Upfluence, are old discount offers added to Upfluence?

No, coupon codes that are not created via Upfluence are not automatically added to your Upfluence account. To include these codes, you will need to:

  1. Ensure your Shopify stores are integrated with your Upfluence account.

  2. Prepare dedicated files for your code import based on the discount types. This guide is available for more detailed instructions:

  3. Share the necessary files and information as outlined in the guide to the chat bot or support team.

  4. After receiving all the correct information required, our support team will arrange for the tech team to perform the import manually.

The manual import process typically takes about 1 week from the day all your correct files are received.

If I create coupon codes on Upfluence with my Shopify integration, can I send them through Klaviyo and not Upfluence?

No, Klaviyo is primarily a newsletter tool and would not be suitable for this purpose. Coupon codes created in Upfluence with your Shopify integration are intended to be managed and distributed within the Upfluence platform.


I don’t see affiliate links when I created my discount offer. Why is that?

Affiliate links are not available due to WooCommerce's service limitations.

Can I set up Active dates for WooCommerce codes?

No, you can't set up Active dates for WooCommerce codes due to WooCommerce's service limitations. However, you can always update your codes directly from your WooCommerce account.


I don’t see affiliate links when I created my discount offer for Magento. Why is that?

Affiliate links are not available due to Magento's service limitations.

Does the one-click order work in every country with Magento integration?

Yes, the one-click order feature works in every country with Magento integration.

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