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Editing Email Templates with Specific Font and Formatting in Upfluence
Editing Email Templates with Specific Font and Formatting in Upfluence
Updated over a week ago

If you have specific requirements for your email font and formatting, here's a recommended approach to ensure your email templates in Upfluence meet your expectations:

  1. Create Your Email in a Text Editor: Start by designing and formatting your email in a familiar text editor, such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or any other editor that allows you to customize fonts and formatting easily. This step allows you to visually set up your email exactly how you want it.

  2. Convert to HTML: Once you are satisfied with the design in your text editor, convert the document into HTML. There are online tools and converters that can help you with this process, ensuring that the formatting and fonts are preserved in HTML code.

  3. Copy and Paste HTML: Copy the HTML code generated from your document and paste it into the "Code view" mode of your email template editor in Upfluence. This method ensures that your specific formatting and font choices are accurately reflected in your email template.

  4. Send Yourself a Sample Email: After you've updated your email template with the new HTML, it's crucial to send yourself a sample email. This step allows you to review the email as it will appear to recipients, ensuring there are no unwanted codes or formatting issues.

  5. Adjust as Necessary: If you notice any discrepancies or issues in the sample email, return to the "Code view" in your email template editor to make the necessary adjustments. Repeat the process of sending yourself a sample email until you're satisfied with the outcome.

By following these steps, you can have greater control over the font and formatting of your emails in Upfluence, ensuring they align with your brand's aesthetic and communication standards.

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