How to set metadata and favicon for landing page live capture campaigns
Updated over a week ago

Meta Title and Meta description represent the title and the description that will appear when you share the landing page link and on the search engine. Updating this information will help you optimize SEO.

The Favicon is the small icon displayed in browser tabs and bookmarks. Customizing it will bring a personalized touch to your link.

How to personalize the Metadata

First of all, when creating or editing a landing page in the Live Capture app, you will now find a new step called "Metadata settings" immediately after step 2.

This step allows you to specify the following elements on the left of the page:

  • Meta Title: This field is pre-filled with default text but can be edited according to your preference. This field helps optimize your SEO by providing a guide to users, recommending a length of 50 to 60 characters.

  • Meta Description: Similar to the meta title, this field is pre-filled with default text and could be filled in. It serves as a guide for optimizing your SEO with a recommended length of 150 to 160 characters.

  • Favicon: You can now add a favicon to your landing page, simply drag and drop the favicon file into the designated area. This is optional, and you can upload only one favicon file.

On the right of the page, you will find the preview:

To ensure that you have a clear idea of how your metadata customization will appear online, we have introduced an instant preview feature. When you arrive at the "Metadata settings" step, the preview section on the right side of the page will show you the default values or any changes you make in real-time. It reflects the title, description, favicon, site name, and URL of your landing page.

We hope you enjoy these new enhancements that empower you to customize your metadata and ensure more personalization on your link.

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