How to cancel payments
Updated over a week ago

Have you created a payment by mistake and want to cancel it? This guide is for you!

When accessing a payment request from the payment app, there's a cancel button next to the mark as paid button.

When clicking on this button, this will automatically cancel the payment request and the status will reflect this change. Also, when canceled, the payment request will not be counted in the overall payment calculation in the payment app. This has been done to properly reflect what has already been paid and what still needs to be paid.

Finally, once a payment request has been cancelled, the creator will no longer be able to claim it. He will see a dedicated error message indicating that the payment request has been cancelled. Also, the payment request will be displayed as "Canceled" in the creator space. This prevents payment requests from “disappearing” and also helps to maintain consistency.


Q - I cancelled a payment by mistake, what should I do?

A - We recommend to keep this payment cancelled and to create a new one from Workflow. If this is not possible, you can always "Undo" the cancellation.

Q - My "Paid" payment can't be canceled, why?

A - You cannot cancel a payment that has been marked as paid to avoid distorting payment totals. If a payment has already been paid, it should not be cancelled. This prevents payment errors.

For further assistance, please feel free to contact us by clicking on the "Talk to a person" option within our chat feature. We're here to help!

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