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How to cancel a payment request
Updated over a month ago

You may need to cancel a payment request in situations such as:

  • Incorrect documents were uploaded by the influencer.

  • A mistake in the payment setup requires you to create a new request.

How to cancel a payment request

  1. Open the Payment tableview in the Payment app.

  2. Click on an influencer’s line or select “View” to open the detailed side panel.

  3. In the side panel, click on the red “Cancel” button.

Once clicked:

  • The payment request will be automatically canceled.

  • The payment status will update to “Canceled.”

What happens after a payment request is canceled?

  • Removed from payment calculations: The canceled payment will no longer be counted in the overall payment calculations in the Payment app. This ensures accurate totals for what has been paid and what still needs to be paid.

  • Status change message for creators: The creator will no longer be able to claim the payment. They will see a "Payment canceled" message when clicking on their payment link.

  • "Canceled" status in creator space: The payment request will appear as “Canceled” in the creator's space - Payment tab.

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Frequently asked questions

1. I cancelled a payment by mistake, what should I do?

We recommend to keep this payment cancelled and to re-create a new one from your Campaign. If this is not possible, you can always "Undo" the cancellation.

2. My "Paid" payment can't be canceled, why?

You cannot cancel a payment that has been marked as paid to avoid distorting payment totals. If a payment has already been paid, it should not be cancelled. This prevents payment errors.

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